Arcústic is a company founded by Gaspar Alloza, Musician and Architectural Technician specialized in Acoustics and Postgraduate in Architectural Acoustics with more than 10 years of work experience in the Building and Acoustics worlds. As a site manager he has succesfully carried out more than thirty works in the fields of Rehabilitation, Heritage Restoration and new construction of small, medium and large volume. As a musician (multi-instrumentalist and composer) he has a more than 20 years career, with dozens of recordings on different projects and hundreds of performances nationally and internationally. As a specialist in acoustics he has planned and executed work for recording studios, he has adaptated meeting and conference halls, he has designed and built specific acoustic components for these purposes, he has made architectural projects adjustments or construction solutions to the recent regulations CTE DB-HR, as well as he actively seeks the increasing awareness of the architecture and construction worlds, as well as of the whole society, around the concepts of acoustic quality and structural efficiency of our spaces.